Last Refreshed
14-03-2025 07:19 pm AEDT
Entire sale
63 of 81 lots sold (77.78%)
Average: $27,293.65 / Gross: $1,719,500
Day 1 - Lots 1 to 93
25 of 33 lots sold (75.76%)
Gross: $553,500
37 of 46 lots sold (80.43%)
Gross: $1,106,000
1 of 2 lots sold (50.00%)
Gross: $60,000
Open Age
63 of 81 lots sold (77.78%)
Gross: $1,719,500
25 | Jack ReacherLot 40 | $75,000 |
# Sold
| AgeTop selling lot | AverageGross |
25 | Open Age$75,000 (40) | $22,140.00$553,500 |
37 | METALLIC BOOTSLot 87 | $92,500 |
# Sold
| AgeTop selling lot | AverageGross |
37 | Open Age$92,500 (87) | $29,891.89$1,106,000 |
1 | PIMPED UP CATLot 31 | $60,000 |
# Sold
| AgeTop selling lot | AverageGross |
1 | Open Age$60,000 (31) | $60,000.00$60,000 |